Warped Tour

Well, sorry it’s been a bit since our last update but we’ve had some intresting things going on. First off, we’re actually back home right now! One of the bands we were on tour with, The Sloppy Meateaters, lost their drummer while we were out and returned home in order to find a replacement. The tour will pick back up on the 12th of July in New York City. In exciting news, we start WARPED TOUR here in San Diego on the 30th of this month so we’d better see you guys out in the sun with us for a day of dancing and dehydration…gotta love the “d” words… Also, there’s some talk about ‘Kerosene’ possibly being added to regular rotation on 91X so we could sure use everyone’s help on this one. If you have a moment, you can call (619) 570-1919 or (760) 944-9191 or e-mail them at www.91x.com/contact.html and let them know that you’d love,(that’s right love!) to hear The Transit War’s ‘Kerosene’. Hopefully together we can irritate them into submission! This is all a result of the “91X Loudspeaker Comp” that was just released. It’s a double disc of over thirty brilliant San Diego local bands and we feel privilaged to be a part of it, you can find it online at www.merchlackey.com/loudspeaker Well this sure is getting lengthy (which I have a bad habit of doing so I apologize) but in a nut shell, a lot of exciting things are going on, and are in the works so keep checking back as the ‘New’ tour schedule will be up in the next day or so, and keep sending us e-mails, we love hearing from you! As always, Long Days and Pleasant Nights to Ya’! THE TRANSIT WAR