Thanks To All Of You That Have Bought Our Record
The day is here. Our album is in stores nationwide. We can’t begin to tell you all thanks enough for all the love and support you have shown us. We really think that 2006 is going to be an amazing year for us. We have so many things planned for this year and I’m sure lots of surprises will happen along the way. I hate to repeat what was said yesterday but:: | | | are all carrying our album. If you’ve ordered the album and are waiting on its arrival in the mail or you just want to check it out, is streaming the entire thing. A BIG thanks to all of you that have bought our record today online, in stores or even in the past at a show. A double thanks to those of you that bought the enhanced one, even though you already owned the previous release. We couldn’t of made it this far without you. Long days and pleasant nights! Lovin you dearly, TTW