Studio Web Cam

I like this habit of writing news updates on Sunday’s. It’s soothing really, everyone’s nice and relaxed…marinating in the joy of spending an entire day doing nothing…good times. Anyway, we’ve made it here to Austin, TX in one piece and starting tommorow…back to work! We’re going to be locked in a studio out here for the next three weeks putting the finishing touches on some new Transit War diddy’s during the day, and hopefully doing absolutely nothing productive at night. But in an attempt to continue living in the dream world of “People Pay Attention to What We Do”, we’re setting up a live web feed from the studio via Yahoo! Messenger. If you’d like to take a peek at what we’re up to (and appreciate how completely uninteresting we are in general) just add thetransitwar to your Yahoo! buddy list and pray that a dinosaur walks into frame or something exciting! We’re going to try and keep it running as often as possible but even if it’s not, please drop by and at least say hi to us. Talk to you soon then? As always, long days and pleasant nights…love, TTW