Orange Peal Records
Hey friends, we have so much stuff to tell you, we could write a novel with it all… I guess we’ll start by telling you that we crossed our T’s and dotted our I’s in blood. That’s right, we signed our lives away to Orange Peal Records. You can check out our new extended family over at You should all welcome them into the family as well, by adding them on myspace. They will be re-releasing iAh Discordia! so if you haven’t picked up an original copy at one of our shows, you should do so soon before they become history. They might be worth a penny or three on ebay one day… AND speakin of shows, we are heading out to Colorado this morning to play some. Check our shows page for more details… We recently played an acoustic show at the coffee bean here in San Diego. We had so much fun that we’re going to be doing it again, shortly after we return home. Thanks to those of you that came out! We’ll post more info as soon as we get the final word. We have so much more to tell you, but for now, as always, long days and pleasant warm nights! Love, your TTW!