Ah Discordia Re-Release

Long time, no see.. We have been very busy getting things ready for the re-release of our newly ENHANCED iAh Discordia! album on Orange Peal Records. We are all very excited about it. We are almost ready to start some pre-production for our next album. We have 3 shows this month in Southern California. One of which is Nov 25th at the Casbah, which also happens to be Jaime’s Birthday. You can check our shows page for more details on those. We are happy to announce that we have gotten our trailer fixed. We know some of you that saw the video clip of our broken axle, were a little concerned. The accident brought us all a little closer which

might of helped us celebrate Halloween, as a youth basketball team. We all had lots of fun, we hope that you did too! Until our paths meet again, long days and pleasant nights! Love, TTW